Think your website
might be hacked?
Our security team will check your
Free Website Malware Scan
Perform a complimentary check to see if your website has been hacked.
100% free. No obligations. No strings attached.
Real security experts check your site
Our security experts outperform automated scanners, easily uncovering website hacks that often go unnoticed by other malware teams.
Limited availability! book fast
Our experts check up to 500 sites per day. So book fast to avoid delay.
Your site checked by
leading security experts

Trusted and used by the best
A security expert for each check
The simple fact is that online scanners never find 100% of hacks on a website. They often incorrectly state your site is clean even though your hosting company is shutting you down for being hacked and your site is stealing credit cards and sending thousands of spam emails! We will assign you one of our leading security experts to scan and check your site, if your site is hacked they will find the nasty infections!
It's as simple as 1-2-3
Safeguard your online presence and shield your valuable data from malicious hackers. Don’t leave your website’s security to chance. Take control and let our experienced team perform a thorough scan of your site, ensuring every nook and cranny is inspected for potential vulnerabilities.
Submit your request
First submit your request to us to scan your site. Our team will verify you are the owner of this site and if so we are good to start.

We check your website
A dedicated expert will perform a full scan of your site to check for malicious content. We will keep you fully updated throughout the whole process.

We provide the results
If your site is hacked we will inform you of the issues and let you know how to quickly solve the problem.